8 Steps for Reaching Out to New Clients

8 Steps for Reaching Out to New Clients

One reason to reach out to new clients is to tell them that you are available for freelancing work. They won’t know unless you tell them. Cold emailing is one method. I give you steps on how to be brave and develop an effective strategy, making the best impression you can.

Tall Tartan Talks here … Follow my 8-step guide for reaching out:

  1. Preparing is key
  2. Training to add value
  3. Adding skills to your CV
  4. Researching clients
  5. Keeping records
  6. Writing emails
  7. Responding to replies
  8. Build a marketing habit.

1. Preparing is key

I proofread non-fiction as a service. I made sure I was well trained so that I could offer professionalism and expertise as qualities of my proofreading service. Preparation is half of the process I will describe.

2. Training to add value

The first thing a potential client may want to do when you reach out is to look at your website or LinkedIn profile to check your training credentials. I did training in proofreading with the CIEP (ciep.uk), my professional body.

As a freelancer you should consider training in your field of expertise. If you are an editor or proofreader, you may want to specialise by doing a course in a particular niche – in my case, editing educational digital materials.

3. Adding skills to your CV

Add the course you have just completed to your CV and to the Featured section of your LinkedIn profile.

4. Researching new clients

You may have an idea of the kinds of new clients you want to reach out to. When I see a prospective client advertising for staff or freelancers (usually on social media, usually on my phone), I take a screenshot and email it to myself. If I can’t act on it immediately, I move the email to my Prospective Clients email folder.

5. Keeping records

Once a month I go through the emails I have sent myself, add them to my spreadsheet and research each in turn by reading their websites. Some can be prioritised by a) how enthusiastic their website makes me feel; or b) removed from my list because their business would not be a good fit for me. For example they publish fiction.

In my case, as a ex-teacher and primary tutor, I have listed possible clients that publish non-fiction, educational books, and children’s books as they are my proofreading specialisms.

6. Writing emails

About once a month on average, I do a cold-emailing session. In my drafts folder I have a template for each specialism and use the template suitable for the next potential client.

I write a concise subject line keeping it short and relevant, e.g. Proofreader Available. Listing a specific specialism I provide that will help them solve their problem, I keep the email short with no more than five sentences – no one wants to wade through an essay. I don’t make the email emotional, just business-like.

Some companies don’t like emails with attachments. Rather than attach my CV, I tend to end with P.S. My CV is available on request. Unless, of course, a new client has specifically asked for a CV.

I keep possible clients in groups of specialisms. I prepare emails in batches by using copy and paste or a text expander to make the writing process quicker and more efficient. Then I tweak the email to personalise my message. Do not invest emotion or spend hours on one email; there mental turmoil lies.

I do a final check of spelling and punctuation. Mistakes will come across as unprofessional. Take a deep breath and press send. Return to that spreadsheet and record the date when emails were sent. Then I put it to the back of my mind, walk away, and get on with my day.

I don’t worry if I don’t get replies; I don’t take it personally. In truth, I probably get one reply in ten saying they will add me to their database. I comfort myself with the fact that the client that needs me will get back to me. How will they know if I don’t tell them?

Using this technique, I can send up to 10 emails in one hour. In one very quiet month, I cold emailed once a week, sending emails to 40 possible new clients. I have been perfecting my system for two years.

7. Responding to replies

Remember, silence or rejection is a normal part of the cold-emailing process. Don’t let silence discourage you. By following these steps and believing in the value you offer, you will be emailing with confidence.

If the magic happens – a new client replies and reaches out– respond promptly to show integrity and efficiency. Or only send your cold emails when you have time to respond.

8. Build a marketing habit

Once you have a marketing habit that you are comfortable with, repeat the training and cold emailing with regular effort. Establish and maintain a routine that works for you. You will feel braver. I did!

Sprinkling publishing confidence,


Annie signature

Note: These 8 Steps were part of a PDF guide on my website called Eight steps that worked for me – For business confidence. I repurposed the PDF in my blog post Marketing Mindset.


Email me to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.


Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.

How to Communicate Clearly

How to communicate clearly

I have experienced both positive and negative methods of communication with clients.

I am a freelance proofreader providing services to my clients, whether they be independent (indie) authors or project managers for publishers of non-fiction and children’s books, to ensure books are published to a high standard.

Tall Tartan Talks here … How can we as freelancers and clients communicate clearly and work wisely for everyone’s benefit?

Consider these ways of communicating to foster and maintain good working relationships:

  • Setting expectations
  • Arranging contracts, including quoting, scheduling, and receiving payments
  • Querying and queries
  • Caring.

Setting expectations

Establish clear communication channels by agreeing on the preferred methods of communication and setting expectations for response times.

Provide clear and concise instructions by being specific about your deadlines and deliverables. Avoid ambiguity and provide all necessary information upfront.

Use regular emails as check-ins to ask and answer questions and address any concerns. Respond promptly to emails.

Arranging contracts


Has the book been sent so the freelancer can provide a quote? I have found that indie authors ask me for a quote without sending evidence of the content … It is essential to know the scope of work involved.

With publisher clients it is my experience is that I won’t see the material to be proofread until the agreed start date and that I will be offered a fixed project fee. In that case I need to ensure that the number of hours I proofread for is tracked and calculated with efficiency tools used to maximum effect. Other publishers may differ.

When the material arrives, I ensure the brief is complete and nothing is missing. Then I confirm delivery.

With indie authors, I provide a clear and comprehensive contract. You could use a template for your T&Cs, although email is regarded as a legal agreement and can be used instead.

A well-defined contract outlines the project scope, timeline, payment terms, and termination clauses. Both sides are aware of completion dates and deadlines. It protects both the freelancer and the client and ensures clear expectations.


If an indie author is booked in with me several months in advance, I will send them provisional dates of starting and completing the proofread of their book. Confirmation is made by email and a deposit paid to book that slot in my schedule. There is clarity with little room for misunderstanding.

If a project is behind schedule, all parties should inform each other so that there is full transparency. Then rescheduling can take place to the availability of all involved.

Receiving payment

Payment arrangements can be on an hourly basis, 50% deposit, complete payment upfront, or, in my experience of publishers, upon completion.

Publishers tend to have payment terms of 30 days or more after presentation of the invoice.

I require indie authors to pay upfront for smaller projects, say a children’s book of less than 1,000 words. For larger books I require a 50% deposit.

Through experience I have learnt to ask for payment upfront from indie authors before I release the completed proofread files. You may think the client should see the work before paying. But I learnt, after an experience with a non-payer, they could get away with not paying once they had my files. The client had paid the deposit which had lulled me into a feeling of trust. I discovered that it was misplaced trust as they turned out to be less than honest.

Clients who make prompt payments help to build trust with integrity.

Querying and queries

Maintain and encourage open and honest communication by encouraging questioning. Be receptive to input and address any issues promptly. Creating an environment where all feel comfortable asking questions without hesitation fosters trust and collaboration.

Anticipate potential questions and provide relevant information. This minimises delays and ensures all concerned have the necessary context.

Provide clear explanations of queries and additional resources if needed. If I have a query about inconsistencies when they first appear in the manuscript, I will make a note on the style sheet and be alert if they appear elsewhere. If a style appears haphazardly, I add it to my list of queries to alert the author / publisher. I always start politely when writing a query in the Comment box with ‘I suggest …’.

See my related blog post: What is a good question?


Be polite, pleasant and patient in your communications.

Build a positive relationship by treating each other with respect and professionalism. Foster a collaborative environment where all parties feel valued and appreciated.

The client could show appreciation by acknowledging the freelancer’s efforts and contributions. Perhaps express gratitude for their work. Even provide a testimonial for the freelancer’s website to share on social media. This shows an affirmation that working together was a pleasure.

Lacking communication

Recently I have experienced ‘ghosting’. That is, a potential client emails asking for my proofreading services. I reply with a quote. Then silence. No reply. Not even a ‘Thank you but I won’t need your services as I have found someone else.’ Other edibuddies confirm I am not alone.

Perhaps clients are short of time? Perhaps my email has gone into their spam?

It’s hard waiting for a response and blocking provisional time in my schedule for a project that may, or may not, be confirmed. They may have asked more than one proofreader …

Developing a strong relationship with trust

By using these methods of communicating clearly, you establish strong relationships ensuring efficiency and integrity. Mutual respect is fostered. Plus, hopefully, repeat work!

Sprinkling publishing confidence,


Annie signature

Further reading

Blog post: What are the signs of a good listener?


Email me to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.


Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.

Marketing Mindset

blog post Marketing Mindset

As business owners we worry about marketing our skills. I know, I’ve been there. I invite you to activate your business brain. Switch on your marketing mindset.

If you want potential clients to know that you are available for work, you need to tell them using marketing. Otherwise how will they know?

Tall Tartan Talks here … I give you tips on how to market your business. These are strategies I’ve tried when marketing my proofreading business. They have reinforced that I am friendly, efficient and trustworthy. Sprinkling publishing confidence.


Let’s begin at the beginning. If you don’t have a website, have a presence on social media, for example, LinkedIn. Here’s my profile page.

I post many marketing tips on LinkedIn for edibuddies and other freelancers. Find my tips by searching for my hashtag #TallTartanTips then follow to be notified of my posts.

The tips are handy reminders I have picked up in the CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, ciep.uk) forums, at Drive the Partnership Network, and on social media about how to own, run, and market your business.

Use my tips as reminders to help you maintain a positive business brain and marketing mindset.

Tips about marketing your business

I have sorted my tips into six categories:

  • Useful resources
  • Using social media
  • Blogging
  • How to be a business owner
  • Motivation tips.

Useful resources

  • Build a website or pay someone you trust to build it for you. It is your shop window which you own, unlike your social media profiles.
  • Make time for investigating resources that will help you improve your marketing. Listen to the podcasts of experts in your field.
  • Invest money in resources: you need to speculate to accumulate. It could be a course or a tool to help you do your job more effectively.

Using social media

  • Follow useful connections on LinkedIn, who might know others in industries you have an interest in. This could help find you work.
  • Like, comment, and  engage with connections on social media. Be brave.
  • Be even braver. Plan content for social media. Have a strategy for showcasing your work by sharing testimonials, plans for the coming week, wins of the last week, poignant thoughts that will resonate with others …


I use blogging to get eyes on my website. I write posts about freelancing, education, and running a business. Then I share them on social media otherwise no one will know I’ve published a new post.

Search and follow the hashtag for my blog #TallTartanTalks on LinkedIn. Or go to my blog on my website.

I have self-published an eBook collection of my blog posts as a way to explore self-publishing. Find Tall Tartan Talks – My Collection of Blog Posts: Tips on Running a Business on Amazon.

How to be a business owner

  • Feel the fear and do it anyway.
  • Think of yourself as a business owner wearing many hats. If needs be, outsource the skills you don’t have to those who have the skills.
  • Practise the 3Ps: patience, perseverance, persistence.
  • Look out for your physical and mental health. Ensure a work/life balance by setting personal boundaries. Go outside and get some fresh air by walking or gardening. Perhaps walk in the woods among the trees, which works for me.

Motivation tips

Those who go fishing catch the fish.

Thor A Rain, lead writer of the book First Aid For Feelings Manual from The Helpful Clinic (I proofread their book.)

I love this quote because you can’t catch fish (get clients) unless you go fishing (email or phone them). It is up to you to tell clients that you are available for work. How else will they know? It’s a no-brainer.

Thor and Nicki’s book, First Aid For Feelings – the essential Manual for self-care skills and good health, emphasises how to look after yourself and gives tips on how to be physically and mentally healthy. That’s especially important when you run your own business. (See image in my gallery.)

I gain valuable advice from members like Thor when we attend Drive, our networking group on Zoom. The weekly meetings are a collaborative space where my freelancer tribe shares wins, problems and advice. I learn something worthwhile at every meeting which helps me stay motivated. Find your tribe and safe space.

Inspired by Thor, I created a marketing strategy that I use when emailing prospective clients: Eight steps that worked for me.

8 steps that worked for me


“Annie encouraged me to market my services to companies I knew I could help. She helped me to see that someone will see your content and want to use your services at some point in the future, so it makes sense to keep marketing.

If you are proactive with marketing, and don’t worry about the responses, you will fit someone’s need, somewhere. You’re right – they won’t know if you don’t tell them. Annie helped me think more clearly about where to go with my marketing. Thank you!”

Andrea Constable of Squiggle Social

Since writing this, my post as part of this mindet is available: 8 Steps for Reaching Out to New Clients

Sprinkling publishing confidence,




Email me to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.


Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.

How I self-published my Business Book

How I self-published my Business Book

I have self-published a business book!

My eBook is called Tall Tartan Talks: My Collection of blog Posts – Tips on Running a Business. I’ve written it as a freelancer for freelancers, sharing many tips I’ve learnt while running my proofreading business.

I used Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). If you would like to buy my book, the link is at the end.

I will explain the how, what and why of the process.

Why did I self-publish?

I have been asked why I used the process of self-publishing. Mainly I did it because my indie children’s book authors asked me about the process. They were looking for support. I wanted to answer their questions.

When I had a lull in proofreading work, I realised I had the time to implement my project.

What did I write?

I already had a collection of over 30 blog posts on my website which I had written to support other freelancers. Why not copy the draft versions from Word and paste them into a single document, I thought? Rather than write something new I could create one manuscript using writing I already had.

If you have an idea for a fiction or non-fiction book, for adults or children, do write it. And keep writing. If the ideas flow, great! When you’ve finished a draft, ask friends / colleagues to read it. This will gauge if the audience thinks your book works. You will feel the need to redraft your manuscript several times.

How did I format my book?

Each blog post is around 1,000 words; the collection totalled around 30,000 words.

Once I had created my manuscript I spent time copyediting the text. I ensured consistency with the styling of subheadings and use of terminology. I added to my style sheet.

I spent a further week proofreading the manuscript. By then I realised I was far too close to the text and fed up with it. I knew there must still be errors, but I wasn’t in a position to look at it objectively.

Using a trained editor or proofreader

I needed an independent, fresh pair of eyes; I needed a proofreader I could trust and who appreciated my blog posts. A kind edibuddy offered her proofreading as a skill swap – in return I would proofread her blog posts. She provided a comprehensive service in an efficient way.

Asking someone else to check your text is essential before publishing. I recommend you either:

  • Pay a trained copyeditor to style your Word document. Or …
  • Pay a trained proofreader. This could be the same editor you ask to copyedit your manuscript. Many freelancers provide both services – though a gap in time between passes is recommended for fresh eyes.

Ideally your professional would be trained by a trusted organisation like the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (ciep.uk).

Creating a Table of Contents

Once I had formatted my Word document with styles for levels of headings, I could insert a Contents page.

I needed help to format the page numbers so that page 1 started at the beginning of Chapter 1 after the Contents page rather than on the first page of my manuscript. I found some support in the Amazon KDP Help pages. In the end my edibuddy formatted the page numbers for me.

Creating a book cover

I was certain I would self-publish my book in the form of an eBook as the cover, as, being a single page, it would be simpler to design.

I designed my eBook cover by finding a template in Canva. I used the tartan which is the design on my website and replicated my website fonts. That way I could keep my design consistent with my branding.

The cover of a paperback includes the front cover, spine and back cover in one template. I tried using KDP Cover Creator. Its limitations meant that I couldn’t use the fonts on my website as they weren’t available in the software. As I wanted to make my branding consistent, I would have to find another way to use my chosen fonts.

If you have many images to insert in your non-fiction or children’s picture book, I suggest you use a book designer who is skilled in formatting illustrations. I can recommend a couple.

Creating my KDP account

I completed the account details for my eBook. I could edit the details on my Amazon KDP Bookshelf. It was helpful that I could save, stop, or continue as time allowed.

KDP asks for personal and tax details to be completed. Next, enter the ISBN (International Standard Book Number). I bought mine from Nielson. Upload your content. Finally, choose a pricing option.

Consider when you want to tell your target audience that your book is available. Plan ahead because KDP needs at least 48 hours to process your account, your manuscript and cover.

Also consider, do you want your readers to pre-order? This is an effective strategy for advertising when your book will be published; it creates anticipation.

How I can help you to self-publish

I can help you self-publish depending on the type of book you want to write. My specialisms are non-fiction, education, middle grade chapter books and picture books.

If you want to self-publish an adult fiction book, that’s not my area, so I can’t help you. But I can refer you to edibuddies who can.

Buy my book

Amazon link to my book published in April 2024: Tall Tartan Talks: My Collection of blog Posts – Tips on Running a Business

Reading resources

I discovered many tips about self-publishing by being a Partner Member of the Alliance of Independent Authors: www.allianceindependentauthors.org


Sprinkling publishing confidence

Strong arm. I did it!
Annie signature


Email me to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.


Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.

Balance the Freelancing See-saw

Balance the freelancing see-saw blog post

Balancing the ups and downs of your freelancing see-saw can be a challenge.

Tall Tartan Talks here … I’ve listed 12 ways in which freelancing is like life on a see-saw with ups and downs, how to maintain control and balance, and how to cope with swings that make us panic.

Scheduling time for each aspect helps give a sense of control. As a freelance proofreader, I try to manage the swings so that my schedule is manageable. A tip I have learnt: things may not get done unless they are scheduled. Included here are suggested reminders for fun.

12 Elements to balance

1. Managing clients

Freelancers need to balance client expectations, contend with deadlines and project requirements, while ensuring you are not overextending yourself or compromising on quality. Some clients raise ‘red flags’ in our minds with their requests. Ask yourself, is this client is a good fit?

2. Managing time

Freelancers need to manage their time efficiently to juggle multiple projects, meet deadlines, and allocate time for administrative tasks, such as invoicing and client communication. Develop the habit of, firstly, scheduling projects to allow ‘wiggle room’ and secondly, working on a job in manageable stages, perhaps easiest part first (or do you prefer to get the hardest part over with?). Try time blocking. Avoid daily overwhelm by taking regular breaks.

Schedule time: #TreatTime (eg do a hobby for 15 minutes.)

3. Managing finances

Freelancers need to manage their income and expenses effectively. There are times when you’ll earn more than expected (fantastic!). Boost your savings. Other times your income may be more limited than usual. Balancing your financial stability is crucial.

Whenever I buy something for my business, eg equipment, software, a course, and receive the receipt, I open my Excel Expenses spreadsheet and list the date and expense. I feel more efficient and in control. This means I am up to date with my evidence by 6 April for filing my HMRC Self Assessment Tax Return.

When I return the completed proofread I attach my invoice – this time opening my pinned Excel Invoices spreadsheet to enter the details promptly. Go so far as preparing the invoice before completing the job so that just the final details need to be entered.

Schedule time: #AdminMonday #FinanceFriday

4. Using time efficiently in times of famine

Freelancers can experience periods of busy work schedules and high demand (feast) followed by slower times with fewer clients and projects (famine). Balancing those extremes can be challenging (see point 3). When a client cancels or postpones work, perhaps another client can be brought forward? Or ask a colleague if they could refer work. Or is it time to book some CPD – that training course you’ve had your mind on?

5. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Freelancers need to keep their skills up to date to stay knowledgeable and instil trust. Scheduling time for ongoing training and skill improvement with client work is essential for future-proofing your business. I have completed many training courses run by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP); if you’re a member you get a discount.

Schedule time: #TrainingTuesday

6. Balancing health and well-being

Freelancers need to maintain their physical and mental health. The demands of freelancing can lead to neglecting self-care, so finding the right balance is crucial. At least get out for some fresh air and look up at the clouds. My examples of exercise below use the hashtag popular on the socials (‘stet’ is an editing term meaning ‘Leave the marked word as it is’).

Schedule time: #StetWalk #StetRun #StetCycle #StetSwim

Or stroke a #StetPet

balance freelancing see-saw blog post

7. Networking

Building and maintaining professional relationships and networks are crucial for freelancers. Balancing that time and effort with doing paid client work is vital.

For me networking happens on a particular day when I attend two online groups on Zoom – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. One group is for all breeds of freelancers; the other is run by my Institute and is editor-specific (the CIEP).

Schedule time: #NetworkThursday

8. Marketing

Freelancers may need to promote their services to maintain a steady stream of clients. This can require a delicate balance of marketing efforts. Use social media to show up and show people your services. They won’t know what you do unless you tell them.

But, when work is challenging with a tight deadline, how do you find your next client if you have no time to do any marketing? Scheduling tools for social media posts can be your friend.

Schedule time: #MarketingMonday

9. Work–life balance

Achieving a healthy work–life balance is often a struggle for freelancers. The flexibility of freelancing can sometimes blur the lines between work and personal life, making it challenging to maintain boundaries. Anyone else work at the weekends? Sure, when necessary.

I used to resent it when I was a teacher and using my weekend for marking, assessment, and planning. There just wasn’t enough time during the week. My family suffered. I never saw them. I felt guilty. If you do feel the need to work at the weekend, make sure you balance it by taking one or two days off during the week to maintain control of your freelancing see-saw. And make time to see the people in your life who are important.

Schedule time: #FamilyFriday

10. Doing a variety of projects

Freelancers often work on a variety of projects with different requirements and clients. Balancing diverse tasks and meeting client expectations is like adjusting weight on a see-saw.

I prefer to book an easy project after the challenges of a long, complicated project as a way of changing gears. Of course, what is easy to one freelancer is not easy to another; it depends on our strengths and interests. How about treats or rewards? Do you reward yourself when a task or stage or project is complete?

Schedule time: #TreatTime (This hashtag also appeared in point 2 but treats are important to me as a great motivator!)

11. To specialise or generalise?

Freelancers can take the opportunity to specialise by providing editing or proofreading services in their niche. Editors that generalise say they can edit both fiction and non-fiction. Specialists offer editing in specific genres of fiction or non-fiction. The choice is yours. Using a previous career is a good starting point for a specialism as you already have more knowledge in that field than others, eg education, law, medicine, music. Or, you may want to move into a new area.

12. Flexibility versus stability

Freelancing offers flexibility but can lack the stability of a traditional job with an employer. Balancing the desire for freedom and autonomy with the need for financial security is an ongoing challenge. Flexibility of work hours and choice of clients is preferable, but the temptation of a regular income can be strong.


Overall, freelancing, like being on a see-saw, involves constant adjustments and careful balancing and control to ensure a successful and fulfilling freelance life.

Up and down, up and down … How do you ride the peaks and troughs? How do you stay calm? Finding the right balance for each of these aspects is a key challenge for freelancers. But so rewarding when it works!

Sprinkling publishing confidence,


balancing the freelancing seesaw
Annie signature


Email me to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.


Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.

Reading further

4 Tools for Writing and Editing Efficiency

4 Tools for Writing and Editing Efficiency blog post

Whether you are writing or editing, your productivity is aided immensely by using tools which will assist your efficiency.

Tall Tartan Talks here … I describe four software tools I use to make writing and editing quicker.

The tools will also save using the mouse and lower your risk of Repetitive Strain Syndrome (RSI).

Productivity tools

The tools I use are:

  • TextExpander
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • PerfectIt
  • Macros

There are more, of course, but four are described here for brevity.


TextExpander is “Customisable and shareable snippets of text that allow you to fly through repetitive tasks quickly by expanding the things you type regularly” (textexpander.com). I pay for this software, but there are other free phrase expander apps.

The software has access to your keyboard. When a preselected snippet is typed, it writes the message in full, thereby saving much time and effort. You choose your opening code.

I have a range of phrases listed, from those needed in general situations, like typing my email address, to using a phrase repeatedly in the comments of certain proofreading projects, eg ‘Insert comma’ (snippet: zic). Another favourite snippet to insert is my mobile number (snippet: z0). All my snippets begin with ‘z’ as it’s rarely used as an initial letter in my writing.

Another example is when an indie client emails to ask if I am available to proofread their book. I have a snippet that produces an email with FAQs such as deadline, genre, word count, and request for a sample (even though these points are all listed on my Contact me page as requirements when emailing).

Phrase expanders are also useful for when a diplomatic email is needed. Save the preferred wording and reduce the thinking angst, increasing efficiency.

I have saved particular snippets in specific project files in TextExpander; I keep my snippets software open when I am using them for a job, rather than trying to remember them all!


4 Tools for Writing and Editing Efficiency blog post


Keyboard shortcuts

In Microsoft Word for PC there are many keyboard shortcuts.

Some well-known ones are:

  • Ctrl+S: Save
  • Ctrl+X: Cut
  • Ctrl+C: Copy
  • Ctrl+V: Paste
  • Ctrl+Z: Undo

These shortcuts work across many programmes, not just in Microsoft Word. Ctrl+Z has helped me out of trouble on numerous occasions in numerous places!



PerfectIt is proofreading software for professionals, purchased from Intelligent Editing. An add-on in Microsoft Word, when activated and launched, it finds inconsistencies in style preferences. All style choices can be checked or specific checks selected. It gives a summary of possible errors at the end of the check.

It now includes a link to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), which, if you edit in US English, many editors working internationally have found invaluable.

PerfectIt is not free, but there is a discount if you are a member of the CIEP (ciep.uk). Find discounts in the Members’ area. It is worth the price for the convenience of speed and efficiency.



Another option for efficiency is to use macros instead of / as well as PerfectIt.

Macros are freely available from Paul Beverley’s website: www.wordmacrotools.com

A macro is some coding that tells Microsoft Word what you want to check. Paul has made 1,000s of macros over the years all for public use. I use a couple; my favourite one is DocAlyse which finds inconsistencies in styles (in the same way as PerfectIt).


Being more efficient

Most of my proofreading is done on PDFs as the publishing workflow of the publisher or indie author nears the end. But, for efficiency’s sake, I will convert a PDF to Word and save my copy just to be able to run PerfectIt and my favourite macros to speed up finding inconsistencies.

If you’re writing or editing, what tools do you use to be more efficient and productive? Remember to experiment with different software options for efficiency to find what speeds up tasks for you.

The idea is to be more efficient, letting the software do the ‘grunt’ work – the routine editing tasks – so that we editors, the trained experts, have more time to make specific editorial decisions. That is, prioritising the human side of editing.

4 Tools for Writing and Editing Efficiency blog post


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Contact me by email to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.

What is Proofreading?

What is proofreading blog post

I am often asked the following questions:

What is proofreading?

What does a proofreader do?

Are you a proofreader or copyeditor? Or do you do both? What is the difference?

Are you a fellow freelancer or a new author wondering what these terms mean?

Tall Tartan Talks here … This blog post answers those questions.

Do I need proofreading or copyediting?

Proofreading is checking for errors in writing. Read on for tips about proofreading your own writing materials.

The tips are aimed at freelancers and authors. Indeed for anyone who writes.


Publishing workflow

Let’s start with the traditional publishing process. How do copyeditors and proofreaders fit into this workflow?

In traditional publishing this process is as follows:

  • Planning. An author will have planned a concept for a book which will get commissioned by a publisher. This could be fiction or non-fiction. The publisher will have questions: Who is the intended audience? When is it needed by? How will it be published?
  • First draft. There will be a rough, unfinished first draft. The important thing is to get all the ideas included. The finer details and polishing come later.
  • Development. Editorial input means some details may be cut and/or moved around to fit the concept and make a structure for the book. It may also be adapted for clearer expression.
  • Final draft. The book will be in a much more finished state, although there will be more editorial work to do.
  • Copyediting. This stage is preparing the manuscript for publication and tailoring it to the needs of the audience. The copyeditor will ensure consistency of style, readability, and accuracy. They improve the flow and tone of the text.
  • Design. Either a designer or typesetter will prepare the layout of the document by cutting and fitting the text using software like Indesign.
  • Proofreading. Proofreading gives text the final polish. A proofreader will carry out an objective check to ensure there are no glaring errors. The manuscript should be as error-free as possible.
  • Publication. The book is finally sent out into the world in print and/or electronic format. Editors may still be involved by implementing any changes to future editions.

Source: a poster featured in Editorial Excellence, the bimonthly newsletter of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP).

Recently, developments in self-publishing mean that an author has more choice about publishing their book without the need for a traditional publisher. It has become easier to self-publish. This doesn’t mean, though, that an editor or proofreader isn’t needed …

Editorial roles

What does a copyediter do?

Copyediting is dealing with the raw text, formatting the book to prepare it for publication. The headings, paragraphs, and any tables and figures will be formatted for the designer; spelling patterns applied (UK, US, or other English); grammar and punctuation styles applied; cross-referencing of text and images; and checking the text for accuracy and sense to ensure consistency of style.

The publisher may provide a house guide or style sheet.

The manuscript will be sent to the typesetter who will format the book for printing as a paper publication, then use software to format the manuscript for digital publication, e.g. on e-reader such as Kindle.

What does a proofreader do?

Proofreading is working on the final manuscript just before it is published. It could involve checking all page elements and styles have been correctly and consistently applied; checking hyperlinks work; ensuring that the table of contents and index are formatted consistently; and doing a final sweep for errors, including inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sense.

Catching errors at proofreading stage, even tiny ones, is cause for a happy dance. Imagine finding an italic full stop when it should be roman (upright). In summary, a proofreader will find anything that trips up the reader and spoils the reading experience.

If you are an indie author, the process towards self-publishing is different and less complicated.

What is the genre?

Non-fiction has different elements to fiction. Editors and proofreaders may specialise in one or the other. For example, punctuating character dialogue is a major feature of fiction. Not all copyeditors or proofreaders will have been trained in the features of fiction.

Further, each genre of fiction, e.g. romance, science fiction, thriller, will have specific elements which the editor or proofreader will check have been included.

Proofreading tips

Here are tips for proofreading your own writing before you click Send or Publish. Consistency is key.

Errors creep in when you edit your text and when you’ve changed your mind about the order of words in a sentence. I should know – it has happened to me more times than I care to say, especially when writing a blog post …

When I write a blog post I write it first in a Word document. After a couple of days away, I come back to it afresh, and copy and paste it into my WordPress site. I find errors easily this way as I see the writing on my website with fresh eyes.

Almost everything I learned about proofreading I learned from the highly regarded CIEP (see the website link above). I trained extensively to add value to my freelance business.

  • Read it aloud.
  • Read it backwards from the end. Errors become glaring.
  • Change the colour of the background of the text. (The default colour white isn’t always helpful.)
  • Change the font to a serif font.
  • Check each sentence for full stops, etc. It’s surprising how often they get forgotten as you edit your words.
  • Don’t try to proofread everything at once. Read for errors, then read for sense. Do a pass for each element you are checking, e.g. headings, page numbers.
  • Use the ratio 20:20:20 for general eye health – after 20 minutes of work, look away from the screen for 20 seconds, to a distance of 20 metres (e.g. looking out of the window). Your eye muscles will thank you.
  • Leave it alone for a couple of days then read it again with fresh eyes.
  • Know when to stop tweaking your writing. Stop now!

Checking proofreading spelling, punctuation and context

  • UK or US English? Do you use ise or ize, e.g. realise or realize?
  • Use a dictionary to remove any doubt. Apps like Grammarly might not recognise the wrong word if spelt correctly, e.g. selling/spelling.
  • Are names consistently spelt correctly? Check spelling of place names, if appropriate.

  • UK or US punctuation?
  • Double or single quote marks
  • Oxford (serial) comma, i.e. comma before ‘and’ in a list.
  • Ellipsis = 3 dots (…) Do insert a space after. Or even insert a space either side ( … ). No need for a full stop if it’s at the end of a sentence. Whatever style you choose, use it consistently rather than mix up the number of dots.
  • One exclamation mark (!) is fine for dramatic purposes. Use sparingly. Two at the end of a sentence is too much.

Context with the bigger picture
  • Is the style consistent? Formal or informal? Businesslike or chatty? Be yourself. Show personality. Be rich in content and readable in blog posts. Stay in style.
  • Have you ensured clarity, correctness and convention? Only use jargon if your audience understands it, or you have explained what it means.
  • Is the text sound in terms of accessibility, inclusivity and legality?

Clarifying misconceptions

Editors and proofreaders don’t just find typos; we do much more than that.

We are not ‘grammar police’ or ‘grammar pedants’. Your writing is your voice; editors and proofreaders polish your voice. We make suggestions to improve your writing, but, in the end, it’s your choice.

We are an understanding and sympathetic bunch; we collaborate, not compete. If I can’t help, I’ll know someone who can. You need to feel confident that your writing is ready for publication.

Also, although I describe myself as an editor in my marketing, my only editing role is voluntary (for my local, 32-page parish magazine). I have done basic copyediting training, but it’s not my main interest.

I much prefer to proofread texts; I have much more training and experience in that area.

I know copyeditors who won’t consider proofreading because they prefer to copyedit and clarify the text, especially in traditional publishing.

Sprinkling publishing confidence

A fellow networker said that he saw me in the role of fairy godmother. I thought it suited me. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with your writing and need a sprinkling of publishing confidence, I might be able to help.




Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.


Contact me by email to find out my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.

Further sources of the information found in this post: CIEP Guides

If interested, the networking group of freelancers where I shared these tips is called Drive the Partnership Network. We meet on Zoom every Thursday morning from 10 to 11am. The international group meets on the last Tuesday of the month from 4pm to 5pm for those who prefer the later time or who are in the western hemisphere. Ask me to find out more.

5 Most Read Blog Posts

5 most read blog posts

As it’s the start of a new year I have been using Google Analytics to investigate the statistics of my website.

Tall Tartan Talks here … What did Google Search Console tell me are the most popular blog posts and pages on my website?

Content marketing

I was interested to see which posts are the most popular and how my content is helping others, whether that’s fellow freelance editorial colleagues or clients (including self-publishing authors).

This analysis is aiding me in planning content; I’m spending some admin time planning blog posts for the next six months, thinking of ways to show my expertise. How to answer questions that I see being asked on social media or in online support groups. Or, indeed, am asked directly by email. Writing blog posts is an effective way to answer those questions.

Questions asked

Questions I’ve been asked frequently are concerned with running a business as a freelancer:

  • How do I become a freelance proofreader or copyeditor? What training should I do? Where can I get support? Clue: join a professional body like the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) which gives discounts to members for training courses, as well as supportive forums and local groups, etc …
  • How do I set up a website?
  • How do I cope with feelings of overwhelm when setting up a new business?
  • How do I keep my inbox manageable?

5 Most read blog posts

I investigated the Google Analysis results and the 5 most read are seen below with links to each post. It also acts as a prompt in case you missed one and want a chance to visit the post.

  1. Review of 2022
  2. CIEP2022 conference
  3. Gardening Your Business
  4. 6 Website features you should check
  5. Manage emails

4 Most popular website pages

These pages of my website are ranked as having the most visitors:

3 Favourite blog posts to write

The following posts were my favourite to write over the last few years because they show my expertise to prospective clients:

For publishing confidence

Why blog? Having a blog post ready when a query pops into my email box makes it much easier and quicker to answer questions that are asked by fellow freelancers and clients, particularly independent authors. In short, giving the link to the post is more efficient and effective. And gives them confidence that I can help.

If you don’t have a website, sending a prospective client a link to your up-to-date LinkedIn profile will inspire confidence in that client that you have the training and expertise they need.

Two related questions I’ve been asked (to be turned into a blog post) are: What does a proofreader do/not do? And: Do you have any tips on how can I proofread my own marketing materials/writing?

If there is any topic you would like me to write a blog post about, let me know. I’m listening.


Review of 2022

Review of 2022 blog post

This year I have been on a mission. A quest, if you like, to notch up as many proofreading hours as possible by gaining experience working freelance for publishers.

Tall Tartan Talks here … My quest? To cold email publishers every month since January 2022. I had been direct marketing to some extent since I started my freelance proofreading business in 2017. This year I have been dynamic in my mission.

The spreadsheet to record my cold emailing over the last 12 months has grown substantially. My strategy has worked. I’ve had more freelance work this year because I told publishers in my niche that I am available. Interested? Read further to explore my strategy.

To illustrate how my marketing year has been successful, I’ve chosen an acrostic using the letters of my name – ANNIE.




New opportunities




Being adaptable and completing work to fluctuating deadlines is essential to fit in with the requirements of any client, in this case, publishers.

Without a background in publishing, it was even more vital for me to ask questions if I was unsure of anything. If a contract wasn’t mentioned when I had expressed availability and interest in the project, I asked if one would be sent or if I should send my Terms & Conditions. It should be said here that an email agreement does constitute a contract, but I like to have one ready depending on the type of client. Half of the publishers who contacted me sent a contract for me to sign. The rest asked me to send mine.

Another variation was the style sheets. It was interesting to see how they varied from publisher to publisher. Some were basic. Some were extensive. When there was a lot of information to absorb, it was more manageable to make a note of the exceptions to style guides such as New Hart’s Rules. (Relevant to my UK publishers.) This way it was easier to keep track, maintain consistencies, and not get overwhelmed.


In January 2022 a small group of fellow networkers, part of the Drive the Partnership Network, began our Quest – weekly goals for January to April. Drive is a group of like-minded small business owners.

To facilitate accountability, we met once a week on Zoom for updates and motivation. We were also available via Slack messaging to share challenges and wins. It was a collaborative process: I asked for advice and offered my tips in return. It was what I needed to kick-start my mission. Thanks to Ann Hawkins and Thor Rain (First Aid for Feelings by The Helpful Clinic) for support. If you want to join the tribe at Drive get in touch with me or Ann to find out more.

New opportunities

Up until January this year I had done very little publishing work. The requests that had come through my website were mainly from self-publishing children’s authors. But, by contacting publishers in my specialist areas, eg education, English Language Teaching (ELT), and children’s books, I found that they valued the expertise evident on my website. This has led to exciting new opportunities.

One debate which occurs regularly in the editing world is whether to generalise or specialise. Personally, I have found that narrowing in by using my specialism has had huge benefits. If you are a career-changer with an expertise which makes you stand out from the editorial crowd, you are a useful person to know. Tell people!

This year, in my niche, I have carried out freelance proofreading for an ELT publisher, a publisher of history books, a packager, an educational publisher, and an NGO (charity) publishing a book for international primary schools. Interestingly these enquiries came through my website after I had done a batch of cold emailing, and not, at first, from the publishers I had contacted … Perhaps they had seen that I had shown availability on LinkedIn? I did always ask where they had found me if they didn’t mention it. Anyway, there was something in the air …


As well as being inspired by the members of Drive, I was pleased and proud when it transpired that some members of Drive had found my motivation to be an inspiration to them. I am a natural helper (former teacher!) and keen to help when I can. I have learnt much from others about owning and running a business, and I like giving back.

Endeavour (or 3Ps)

To me, the word endeavour encompasses the 3Ps: patience, persistence, and perseverance.

These are skills to practise in any sphere of life, but they are a lifebelt that I cling to in the running of my business. No-one said marketing would be easy.

Every quarter, when I did another batch of cold emailing, I would ensure I had added another training course to my CV. This year my Continuous Professional Development (CPD) with the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) has been the Editing Digital Content course, and How to Mark Up PDF Proofs with Denise Cowle Editorial (a discount is available to both CIEP members and those in the ELT Publishing Professionals directory.

Completing training courses to add to my range of skills has made me a more trusted professional, giving publishing confidence to new clients.

CPD and networking this year also included attending the hybrid CIEP annual conference in person in Milton Keynes, and the ELT Freelancers’ Awayday in Oxford. Both happening in September!

Marketing success

If you want success in your marketing, I recommend using my strategy for marketing directly with prospective clients. I wrote it for fellow business networkers in Drive.

Review of 2022 marketing strategy

If the above image doesn’t open a new page, use this link which opens the PDF on the Marketing Mindset page of my website.

Children’s book authors

I have helped at least three self-publishing children’s authors publish their children’s books. Three other books have been proof-edited (proofreading with additional suggestions for improvements) and are at the pre-publishing stage.

Of the children’s book publishers I have worked with this year, Black Poppies by Stephen Bourne, published by The History Press about the story of Britain’s Black community in the First World War, is a recommended read for primary schools. It was a fascinating project.

To see the other projects I have worked on see the following pages on my website and my gallery:

book cover of black poppies

My previous yearly reviews

I think it’s interesting to look back and review achievements from previous years. Here are my last reviews – in 2020 and 2019.


2019: The bank of proofreading exercises I reviewed is available as a blog post here (written in 2022).

2020: The proofreading mentoring scheme mentioned is not currently available.

Next year

So to 2023 … Direct marketing to publishers continues.

Whatever your circumstances, here’s to a peaceful future.

review of year chocolate log


Subscribe to my blog to receive new posts directly to your email.


Contact me by email to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction and children’s books.

More Website Features You Should Check

more website featrures you should check (part 2)

Since I wrote ‘6 Website Features You Should Check’ to help you make sure your website is up to date and relevant, I have added to that list.

Here is the original list:

  1. Contact email address
  2. Contact form
  3. Spelling, punctuation and grammar
  4. Copyright date in the footer
  5. ‘I’ rather than ‘we’
  6. A photo of you, the business owner.

Tall Tartan Talks here … Following learning and keen to make my website as efficient as possible I commissioned a fellow freelancer (a WordPress expert) to do a review of my website. An MOT, if you like. I am grateful for the many tips she recommended.

4 more features to check

Therefore, in addition, I recommend checking these features:

  1. SSL certificate
  2. New tab settings
  3. Broken links
  4. Error 404 message

Go on, look again … Open a new tab and work through your website and my list.

What and how to fix

1.What is an SSL certificate?

You are researching a topic and click on a website link. It opens. You notice that the padlock on the top left of the website URL (address) is missing. It appears with the message ‘Not secure’.

Some URLs start with http:// while others start with https. Maybe you noticed that extra ‘s’ when you were browsing websites that require giving sensitive information, like paying bills. But where does that extra ‘s’ come from and what does it mean? Your website host should provide you with an SSL certificate. If your website is missing that extra ‘s’, it could put off potential clients.

2. Setting new tabs

Adding content to your web pages might include a linking to another page of your website, eg Contact page with a hyperlink, or linking to another website you recommend.

If a visitor to your website receives an Error 404, there is an error loading that page, or a page link is broken. A quick and easy way to check that you’ve minimised this problem is to check that the links in your website work. Just google ‘broken links’ – you’ll find a selection of websites to help.

When I checked, I found many broken links. Aaargh! It seems I had tweaked and moved my pages around my website muchly over the last couple of years; I hadn’t checked that links still worked. They do now!

4. Personalising your 404 page

Have you tried personalising your Error 404 plug-in? Thanks to another freelancing colleague for that tip. If you feel creative, you could take your branding all the way through to the pages that break. 

You hope that visitors to your website won’t ever see the Error 404 message, but, if they do, they will still see you, your personality and your message, with a link that you’ve placed there redirecting them back to your homepage.

Are you up to date now?

Remember, your website is your shop window. Does it work efficiently? Does it represent you and your business?

And here’s Part 1: 6 Website Features You Should Check in case you missed it.

Interested in branding? Read my blog post on My Branding Process.

Cheery wave from computer. More website feaures you schould check (part 2)


Subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss my posts about running a business, education, writing and proofreading.


Contact me by email to check my availability for proofreading non-fiction, education and children’s books.