
Do you need professional proofreading services? My name is Annie Deakins at Proofnow Proofreader.

I check errors and inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and context,  giving you a reliable and efficient proofreading service. My services sprinkle publishing confidence.

I have trained extensively to proofread non-fiction writing. I am a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading ( Here is my entry in their directory.

Non-fiction, education and children’s books are my specialisms as a former teacher teaching in primary classrooms for three decades.



Annie, working with you this year and knowing I have a trusted pair of hands has been reassuring. I am delighted to have worked with you and supported you. I love that you provide your feedback on my work and my client’s work with extra detail.

— Berenice Howard-Smith

Her business Hello Lovely Design & Co at designs books for indie authors of non-fiction. She has commissioned me as a proofreader for non-fiction books for indie authors.