
Compassion-based Language Education by Sarah Mercer published by OUP

Proofreading Education and ELT

Do you publish primary or secondary textbooks? Or  publish English Language Teaching (ELT) learning materials? Or digital content?

Do you need a proofreader?

I have vast experience in primary education. A primary classroom teacher for 30 years, I am currently a 1-1 private tutor. I continue to experience education at first hand.

When tutoring, I specifically boost the self-esteem of lower-achieving children. I raise standards in ability for SATs at Key Stage 1 and 2.

When proofreading, I check for errors and inconsistencies in paper and digital publications for the classroom. I am familiar with the National Curriculum for the Core and Foundation Subjects. 

Immersed in planning resources, marking schemes, and, by following the recommendations of educational consultants on-line, I know the expectations in teaching and learning. 


  • OUP (Oxford University Press)
  • York Global
  • Macmillan Education

Oxford University Press: Compassion-based Language Education by Sarah Mercer

Compassion-based Language Education shows teachers how they can inspire their students through a compassion-based approach. We should aim to teach students how to communicate and connect with the world around them using compassion and this book provides lots of practical ideas to help teachers incorporate compassion into their everyday teaching practice.

Compassion-based Language Education by Sarah Mercer published by OUP

Non-fiction publishers



Non-fiction book called The Little Book of Sleep Meditations by Annie Fay Meitchik

The Little Book of Sleep Meditations by Annie Fay Meitchik
The Little Book of Sleep Meditations
by Annie Fay Meitchik


The CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) provides editorial services and training for the publishing industry.

I proofread and reviewed the bank of proofreading exercises, available from the CIEP. See below the blog post review I wrote for them.

“Thank you so much for doing this. I greatly appreciate it.”

Jane Moody, (former) CIEP Training Director


ciep blog post proofeading exercises

Publishers of children’s books



Summersdale: My Amazing ADHD Brain: A Child’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD by Emily Snape. For 4–9 year olds. Available on Amazon.

my amazing adhd brain book

Annie, thank you for your prompt response and agreeing to take on Black Poppies. The combination of relevant experience and CIEP accreditation were deciding factors for me making contact.

Editorial Manager, The History Press 


book cover of black poppies


The History Press: Black Poppies by Stephen Bourne

Training in Education and ELT Publishing

Sept 2022–24: FPP Freelancers’ Awayday organised by Freelance Publishing Professionals (was ELT Publishing Professionals).