Do you write non-fiction? Are you traditionally publishing or self-publishing? Do you need a proofreader? I check inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation, grammar and context.
Proofreading clients
Collaboration with Berenice Smith, designer of books, websites and branding
Berenice works with indie authors of non-fiction whose books she is designing. She liaises with me to proofread those books.
Annie, working with you and knowing I have a trusted pair of hands has been reassuring. I’m honoured to have been part of your success.
First Aid for Feelings Manual — the essential Manual for self-care skills and good health
Authors: Thor A Rain and Nicki Hayes. Thor owns The Helpful Clinic.

Thank you so much, Annie, for your expertise, attention to detail, and energy. I’m so happy to have been a part of this team and so grateful – both for the knowledge I’ve gained in helping to bring this book to life, and the help we’re getting from our mutual networks to get it out there.
Nicki Hayes, COO of The Communication Practice

I Always Wanted To Be A Dad
Trigger warning: Childlessness
Robert Nurden, an ex journalist and self-publishing author, is from the Childless Not By Choice community that he supports with Berenice. She designed his non-fiction book ‘I Always Wanted To Be A Dad’. It is a poignant and profound book about the grief of being a childless man at the age of 72. How to accept it and move forward.
Featured in The Sunday Times; mentioned in Broadcasting House, BBC Radio 4 (Sunday 13 August 2023). To be launched in September 2023 at the Storyhouse Childless Festival, Chester.

Annie, you’ve done a great job. You have been beady-eyed which is what a great proofreader does!
Robert Nurden, indie author, I Always Wanted To Be A Dad: Men Without Children

Your Design Personality at Home
Your Design Personality at Home by Michelle Armitage, self-publishing author. Blurb: Unlock the secrets of your interior design style.

I want to thank Annie who proofread every word of Michelle’s book. She did an excellent job at elevating the words with her attention to grammar with precision red pen/Acrobat PDF mark-up. Thank you, Annie.
Berenice Howard-Smith, Book designer at Hello Lovely